MEDICAL: Please describe any issues with the medical system, medical staff or medical record. 1. Severe Episodic Chronic Pain (1991-current) I have one chronic issue which has been fairly consistent since about 1991 (26 years), that is periodic bouts of severe back pain & spasms which requires medication & bed rest. This occurs several times a year; more in winter. It is episodic: when I am not in severe pain, I'm usually fine. The severe, sudden, episodic nature of my pain issue requires me at times to use the emergency room. Beginning about 2003, I was put on a pain plan which allowed me to obtain my usual medications (muscle relaxers and opioids, and I use over the counter NSAIDs) without needing to use the ER. This worked well for me. Beginning about 2011, DEA began crack down on opioids and I began to have difficulties with treatment. I was cut off of my pain plan for reasons that were dubious, and my records were flagged. I went through a great deal of pain and suffering trying to manage my treatment after that. I became a medical cannabis card holder which tremendously helps, but does not completely resolve my need for occasional opioid-based pain management, especially if I am expected to function, for example, at a job. While I sometimes need opioids to deal with the pain, I have never been addicted to opioids or any other drug. That said, I grew up in a region known for marijuana cultivation & use and have been a cannabis user for most of my life. I use cannabis medicinally. Some doctors consider this an "addiction." But because cannabis HELPS me a great deal, doesn't create withdrawal symptoms, and doesn't hurt me, I do not consider my use to be an addiction. 2. Anxiety (2004-2007) I have been a single mother since 1995, and often was the sole source of support for my daughter. This was often very stressful physically and especially financially. That led to burnout which, along with hormonal changes (perimenopause), caught up with me in 2005 when I began to experience panic attacks. I was prescribed Ativan for these panic attacks. Unfortunately, it was really my life situation (& hormones) which was the problem, and Ativan was only a temporary solution. Over about a year, I found that I had become physically dependent in the sense that I needed to take 1 Ativan every day to function normally, otherwise I would experience withdrawal symptoms. Meanwhile, the panic attacks continued to worsen to the point that I was not able to function properly. In 2006 I left my job and became dependent on family to support my housing. Then I began a process of titrating myself off of the Ativan. I titrated down and was off of Ativan by October 2006. I used cognitive behavior therapy techniques to calm the panic attacks, and though I continued to experience occasional panic attacks, they tapered off over the years and ended completely around 2010. I have not had a panic attack in several years. I was never addicted to Ativan but I was, for a time, physically dependent, which some may mistake for addiction. After weaning myself off of the dependance, I never craved it, and taking a pill or two later on (as I was pushed into doing) didn't cause me to crave it. 3. Medical malpractice (2011-current) As I noted above, I began to have problems with medical providers about 2011. The first crisis was being cut off of my pain plan. I had been receiving treatment at the County Health Department. I changed providers, hoping that would help. I changed to (a research institution). The first provider I saw wanted to put me on an anti-depressant Cymbalta, "for pain management." I looked up information on Cymbalta and found that it was not very effective for pain management, and that it had many side effects including suicide. Because my pain is episodic, because I am not depressed, and because anti-depressants have many side effects, I have no interest in taking an antidepressant such as Cymbalta. I switched providers at the same research institution, and ultimately decided to become a medical marijuana patient. As I experimented and learned to use cannabis medicinally, it began to help me tremendously, allowing me to cut back on ALL other medications significantly. It did not completely eliminate my needs for medication, however. I still needed muscle relaxers and the occasional prescription for opioids based pain relief. At this time, when the back spasms come, I take flexeril, aspirin, and cannabis, and stay in bed until I can function again. When it gets so bad I can't stand it anymore, I go to the ER. From 2011 to 2016 I got medical care from this research institution and a Dr. F, who I liked at first. Outside of one very unpleasant and destructive meeting with a psychiatrist named Dr. P on February 3, 2014, I generally trusted (the research institution) and in Dr. F until I requested a couple years of medical records. Reading back through those records, I was shocked to find that even though almost every visit I had made to (the research institution) was for back pain issues, this was rarely clear. I had noticed that Dr. F rarely if ever examined my back when I complained about back pain; what I didn't know is that he was making notes in my records about me having mental health issues instead of flare ups of severe back pain and spasms. Other things were strange, too, like he might write "patient describes her pain level as 4" not even noting that he was using a 1-5 pain scale (many facilities use a 1-10 pain scale). After requesting my medical records I learned that Dr. F had diagnosed me at different times over the years with depression, anxiety, and even bipolar disorder. He had NEVER shared any of these diagnoses with me. He was also (I believe deliberately) misreading my severe pain manifestations/responses as "anxiety." The only time I can recall him actually mentioning anything about anxiety to me is when I suggested to him that I though I had ADHD. He said, "no, your symptoms sound more like anxiety." I just ignored that, because I knew he was wrong. I asked to be tested for ADHD and was told by Dr. F and others that I could be, but they never followed up with me. I eventually stopped asking about ADHD testing because I realized they would probably just prescribe medication, and because I feel that problem is also effectively addressed with lifestyle adjustments and medical cannabis. Dr. F never told me he thought I was depressed or bi-polar, though these are written into my medical record. These misdiagnoses issue (of which I was unaware) became significant in January 2014 when I discerned that my home was under extreme surveillance and I attempted to report that surveillance to police who then tried to have me involuntarily hospitalized. I managed to escape their first attempt at hospitalization, but a few days later I was apprehended by firefighters and sheriffs in California who forcibly hospitalized me. The paperwork associated with these events in January 2014 is largely fictionalized with several quotes from me complete lies, and one quote from me taken not from an interview, but from a private conversation I had at home alone with one other person - in other words, strong evidence not just of surveillance, but of surveillance BY DOCTORS. I have written and notarized two affidavits related to two incidents of medical (psychological) misdiagnosis. ---- Please describe any medical surgeries, procedures and stays in the hospital I had surgery through Kaiser Permenente to repair a broken nose in 2005. I don't think this is significant. I had a broken tooth ~2014 which required a crown. I believe that there may be an RF chip in the crown. I was involuntarily hospitalized (5250) in the Sacramento area of California January 28 - Feb 2, 2014. Differential diagnosis was listed variously as "depressions, delusions, psychosis, bipolar, schizophrenia, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, paranoid ideation, cannabis dependence." It was a max 72 hour hold that they somehow managed to change into 5 days, and at one point, were recommending keeping me for 14 days. I had done nothing to warrant this hospitalization. At the time it occurred, I was trying to find a lawyer to address surveillance and related issues. I certainly was not a danger to myself or anyone else. -- Please describe any dental surgeries, procedures, and whether conscious: Outside of the aforementioned crown, I have only had fillings. I have never had anything stronger than novocaine for dental work. As noted, I am suspicious the crown contains an RF chip. -- Please use this space to provide additional information about diagnosed medical conditions or events: I have been collecting copies of my medical records over the past several months. Paper copies have been removed from my apartment more than once; usually they are returned to a different spot days or weeks later, but a few items have never been returned. The things that disappear permanently generally seem to be documents that incriminate individuals who told lies in order to help apprehend me or keep me under surveillance. I have had to visit urgent care and/or the ER about 3 times over the past year and a half, mostly for back pain; once for a leg injury which occurred when I lost balance after being attacked by a DEW at work. One of the strangest things that has gone on for the past few years is that I have had doctors ask me "have you ever experienced X" and I say "No, I haven't" and then within one week I experience the exact symptom the doctor just asked about. For example, an ER doctor asked if I ever experienced back spasms on both sides of my back at once. I said "no." Then within a week, I got spasms on both sides of my back at once. Another time an ER doctor asked if I ever experience persistent (not transient) numbness in my hands or fingers. I said, "No." A week later, three fingers on my left hand went numb and stayed that way, off and on, for weeks. At first I thought this was due to attempts to hypnotize me and the power of "suggestion," but now I recognize that many of these symptoms, including certain bouts of back pain and hand numbness, can be, and are, created by directed energy attacks. When the SEVERE directed energy attacks abated, the finger numbness went away. ---- --- I only want to say that I have experienced the following symptoms for relatively brief, not often extended period of time, and in each case, I believe they are connected to directed energy attacks. These symptoms tend to resolve over a period of several minutes, hours, or days. Small, distinctive burps & chest compression a hallmark of some kinds of weapons attacks. Nausea/vomiting Nosebleeds / dried mucus membranes Bloodshot eyes Dark circles under eyes Excessive sleepiness Frequent urination Short term memory loss (brain feels like swiss cheese) Brain short circuits (after a strong DEW attack my mind would replace a recent memory with a 30-year old memory... I can explain more if anyone wants to interview me.) Severe sudden mood changes (aggressive, impulsive, difficult to control bursts of anger) Confusion/disorientation/cognitive issues Sudden tinnitus Sore throat Headaches Tremors (shaky hands) Vision changes (shaky vision, sometimes almost pixelated vision) Stomach aches Shortness of breath Pain in chest/angina (very scary) Racing heart Pain/weakness in legs Stabbing feeling in back (creating inflammation/spasms) Stabbing feeling in right side between rib cage and ovary (I believe it's an implant) Persistent numbness in last 3 fingers of left hand Tingling/painful fingertips (this seems to be done to stop me from using the touch screen on my phone - happens to me daily) Tingly lips, tongue Temporary paralysis of leg or arm Pin prick feelings in different parts of my body Burst-blood vessel blotches in arms, legs, over eyes, inside one eye, on forehead/temple (I felt a pin prick and watched one of these blotches appear on my arm out of thin air) Burns on skin that appear out of thin air Flu-like symptoms, stomach ache, pain in legs and arms - next day I saw my legs were covered with a spray of tiny red spots, like burst blood vessels. Suspicious biological illness coinciding with and possibly masking symptoms of directed energy attacks (headaches, body aches, fatigue, etc) Bizarre encounters with agressive biting/stinging/buzzing insects (flies/gnats, bedbugs, cockroaches) Laser cut? a tiny laser-like cut that felt like a sting or burn happened to me in my kitchen on a part of my hand nowhere near a knife or stove. It seemed to heal itself within seconds. The same thing happened to my partner later on the same day but he insists he cut his fingers with a blade in the sink... I asked him, "did you ever have a cut before that seemed to heal itself instantly?" He said "no." I could not figure out how this could possibly happen or where the beam would come from - later on I saw that there are one or more drones hovering above my home, at least at night, at a position where they could potentially aim a beam into our kitchen... but it still is quite amazing. --- Please describe any unusual occurrences in, around or above your home and property I experience regular break-ins, some of which I have documented. I've had cats I left inside when I left the apartment appear outside when I return. I have had clothing items altered (bra straps hiked all the way up, for example) or moved/hidden. I have had bizarre substances poured into frying pans, and objects, like a dog tag chain, left on my desk. I have had thumb drives and external hard drives go missing, then reappear elsewhere days or weeks later, often with specific files removed (again, they are files that incriminate certain individuals). I have had medical and legal paperwork removed from my home and sometimes, not always, replaced. I've had at least one journal which I was using to document strange events go missing. I have a locked closet in the apartment complex laundry room which is also broken into regularly. I have experienced directed energy attacks in my apartment and in many other locations. I have had neighbors slamming doors, at times, almost constantly. I have had planes and helicopters buzz my home, at times, almost constantly. I had two cockroaches appear in my cupboards out of nowhere - I killed them and fortunately, no others appeared. My 21 year old daughter had bedbugs appear, also with no known origin, in her apartment downtown. It cost her $600 to get rid of them. Her roommates got mad at her, and afterwards, she mentioned to me that they deliberately slammed their doors in the middle of the night to wake her up. For a period of time objects would be left in front of my door; sometimes these were small objects removed from my home. Once it was a cardboard box reading "Normandy Vegetables" and inside was a dead fledgling bird. Sometimes people would throw bags full of maggots into the compost bins near our trash (the maggots were clearly hatching before the bag went into the compost) ; often washers, screws, and rusty nails are left in that area as well. I have at least one star-like drone regularly hovering above my apartment complex which I can see every night. It looks and at times behaves like a star (not a planet), but it is usually much brighter than Arcturus which is supposed to be the brightest star in the northern hemisphere. I've seen it turn off and on (sometimes suddenly, sometimes as if it's being dialed up or down), and even follow me around town. It follows me so precisely, I know I must have at least one RF chip in my body. I have seen other similar or related objects in the sky above my apartment. I have seen star-like objects appear and track across the sky like a satellite, only to disappear seconds later. I've seen star-like objects wander slowly across the sky, then take a right angle, and zig zag. Meanwhile, there are often a lot of airplanes as well. There have been nights where the night sky is full of movement, reminding me of pond water under a microscope. (The weirdest thing is I dreamed about seeing stuff like this at least twice before I actually began to see it, making me think that the dream may have been induced. There are other dreams I think were induced as well.) I've been trying to identify stars and understand which of the objects are I see are drones. Other than brightness and location, the drones don't seem to "twinkle" quite the same as stars. With urban light pollution, etc, they are sometimes really hard to distinguish from real stars. I'm not really sure what they are doing up there. --- Please describe any unusual occurrences to your vehicle I have written about this at length elsewhere. Aggressive gang stalking began January 2014. I was closely followed by people on foot and in cars (and eventually, even airplanes). At the time, I thought this problem was specific to Town X and/or Town Y and so, because it appeared that my attorney was not being honest with me and because my problems spanned more than one state, I hoped to find legal assistance in (a neighboring state). When I went to my car the morning I intended to leave (January 25, 2014), the doors were all unlocked. I never left them unlocked. As I drove to (a neighboring state), I saw I was being followed by people all the way down I-5. Some followers seemed friendly, others malicious. People would slow down in front of me, try to get me to speed around them right before a speed trap. A couple of times I pulled off the highway drove down obscure country roads, and pulled off. Within minutes, the stalkers would find me. That's how I knew they were tracking me with some kind of device. I stayed at Motel 6 off (a highway exit) in (a city). I intended to stay two nights and spend my time organizing my computer files, as I was expecting to have my computer examined for spyware, but on the second day (January 26, 2014), my hotel room was entered while I was away. It looked like an external hard drive was missing. I reported the break in to the hotel manager who refused to check security camera footage and instead insisted on calling the sheriff. I didn't like the sound of it but I said ok. While waiting for the sheriff to arrive I discovered first that the hard drive had not been taken after all, but moved and hidden under other objects. Also, a blue ribbon was left in my room. Then I discovered a partial bottle of methadone in a laptop case I had carefully cleaned out of all objects prior to leaving (my home state). Although it was my partner's prescription, I didn't put it in the laptop case. It had been planted. I threw it in a dumpster. When the sheriff arrived, he insisted on meeting privately with the hotel manager in a back room alone. This didn't look good to me so I withdrew my complaint about my hotel room being broken into and offered to leave immediately instead of staying another night. They said ok, and the sheriff left. I went back to my room to pack my things, and then I left. When I went to my car to drive away, the doors were unlocked again, and all the mirrors had been moved to crazy angles. As night fell, it was clear that my car's electrical system had been altered, and was somehow being controlled from other vehicles - mostly new/expensive cars, and commercial trucks. These vehicles all had red disks beneath their tail lights that looked like tail lights, but were something else. I believe they were infra-red devices. They could affect my shocks, heater, radio/CD player, and lighting system if I followed within about 50 feet. This was terrifying. They surrounded me in a swarm. I noticed that many grids were turned off - streetlights were off on long stretches of the highway and entire truck stops had gone dark. At one point I noticed a highway sign pointing to an exit I intended to take seemed to be altered with a non-existent name (as if someone had placed a magnetic tile over the sign). I had my computer with me, on which I had evidence and spyware. I got boxed in on an offramp by two boxy trucks at one point and felt a strange sensation which instinctively thought was a magnet, and I have since learned to identify as an EMF field. (There is a bit more to this part of the story, I've written about elsewhere). I thought maybe they were trying to demagnetize my hard drive and so pulled around them and hightailed it back onto the highway. I tried to get gas about 9pm 1/26/14 in (a town in northern California) and was menaced by people who seemed to be Mexican gang members. (In (the town with the motel 6) I had been stalked by Hells Angels types and scary looking truckers.) I discovered that within about half a mile radius of the Sacramento airport, my car did not have electrical issues. Whatever was going on, they were not going to fool with the planes taking off and landing, I guess. I didn't think I could trust staying in another hotel, so I ultimately decided to stay at the airport all night, and the next day, I was able get the phone number for a family friend who lived nearby, and I called her (JB). I tried to explain to her the problems I was having with my car's electrical system being hacked/hijacked. After I was at her house a few hours, police showed up (Much later I learned that JB had called my mother and my mother had either called police or convinced JB to call police, or both - this doesn't make any logical sense to me). I told the police I was fine, and they left, but then about 45 minute later, about two sheriffs and six firefighters showed up and against my request, JB let them in. I told them I was fine, I was just working on my computer. They separated us, pushing JB into a back room and keeping me in the front room. I heard the two sheriffs making strong suggestions to JB leading her to respond the way they wanted her to respond. They said, "you have no place to stay," then handcuffed me and brought me to an ER where I was held for 12 hours before being sent to a behavioral health facility. While I was stuck at the "behavioral health" facility my father flew down from (the town where we live), retrieved the car from the airport parking garage and drove it back to Portland. On a rest area off-ramp the headlights went out (he said at first) and he veered into a guardrail, severely damaging the right side of the vehicle. He has since altered his depiction of events slightly saying that he didn't know how the headlights worked on the car, and that is what caused the accident. This seems odd because he and my mother owned the car for several years before it was passed down to me. When I returned to (the town where we live), I left my video camera in the backseat of my mother's car. I called her immediately and asked her to get it out of the car and bring it inside. Despite the fact that the car was in her driveway, just a few steps away, and even though I told her my locked car had been entered at least twice and begged her to get it immediately, she refused to get the camera out of the car. Three days later she called me and said she had just gone out to look for the camera but it wasn't there. She then tried to claim I had never left it there in the first place. She never has explained why she didn't just go get the camera immediately after I called asking about it. Within a couple months my car was destroyed in a final accident. In this instance, I was parked alongside XXXX Avenue across the street from a DVD rental store. I opened my driver's side car door about 6 inches in order to peer out and see if there were any cars coming. In fact, a Volvo with Utah plates was speeding down XXXX Avenue, and hit my car door at a fast clip, destroying it. I very much believe that this accident was staged. Because of the speed the Volvo was traveling, if I hadn't already had such bad experiences with police, I probably would have gathered witness reports. But I didn't want to speak to police. Because of the nature of the accident, I was told by my insurance company that I was at fault. I sold my car, now with two destroyed doors, for about $500 a couple of weeks later (around April 2014). I was never able to have it examined for tracking or other spy devices. I have not owned a car since that time. Another incident worthy of note: recently (March 25-27, 2017) my daughter and I rented a car to drive down to (a small town in northwestern California) to attend a funeral. While I was in California I was attacked so brutally with EMF weapons and sleep deprivation I didn't feel safe there, and so I decided to return home a day earlier than we had planned. I drove the rental car home, while my daughter made other arrangements and stayed in California. While I was at a rest area in Oregon, someone entered my locked rental car. My purse was inside the car; they didn't touch my purse but they opened a compartment in the car and also may have put something into my water glass. (I've written an affidavit about this.) --- Please describe any unusual issues involving your pets: In the early months of 2015 I experienced frequent directed energy attacks of a type which caused frequent urination and shaky hands. When these attacks occurred, my cats would meow to be let outside in the middle of the night when they don't normally go out. There has been at least one night this year when I was experiencing energy attacks and both cats vomited at least twice. At least once I left my apartment for a couple hours, left both cats inside, know for a fact no one in my family entered my apartment while I was away, but when I returned one cat was outside. This let me know someone had been inside my apartment. I have three hermit crabs (daughter's pets which I inherited) which have buried themselves for months. One hermit crab came out, finally, but I don't know if I'll see the other two again. It's been at least four months. --- Please describe any whistle blowing or activism you engaged in such as participation in a protest or rally or letter writing: Prior to the aggressive gang-stalking beginning I had emailed two regional record companies about things they were saying in print which I felt were deliberate historical misrepresentations and/or blacklisting. They did not respond to my emails. At this time, I was blogging regularly about music. During 2010 I hosted an internet radio show playing all regional music. (I have a few reasons to believe that people associated with these two record labels were connected to the things I experienced during January 2014.) I have made several written appeals about my situation since January 2014. I have written the Chief of Police, the Mayor, the Governor, cc'ed two members of the Senate intelligence committee and the U.S. Attorney General (Eric Holder who resigned probably within a couple weeks of the letter being sent). During 2016 I became a vocal supporter of the NoDAPL movement attempting to stop construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. My daughter, who is Native American, camped for a week at the NoDAPL camps in early September 2016. At her invitation I attended a couple of small, peaceful rallies in support of the NoDAPL movement here in Portland. I do believe that the gas and/or oil industry along with big pharma may somehow be implicated in some of this. --- Please describe any harassment or discrimination claim you filed Title IX Complaint: (OCR Reference No. 10162219) I took out student loans and began attending the Multimedia Certificate program at (a community college) in January 2013. I attended two terms (Winter & Spring 2013). Fall 2013 I did not return mainly because I was so busy with music and especially with my daughter who was getting ready to graduate high school a choose a college. After all the crazy things that happened to me in late 2013 and early 2014 I finally returned to (the community college)in January 2014. From my first moment back on campus, I experienced harassment and extreme surveillance at (the community college) including surveillance and harassment through the school's computer network, and I believe, video surveillance in gym locker rooms and the women's rest room. One day my gym locker was "broken into" while i was working out, and my papers all moved around. I made several complaints about the surveillance at this school. I made an informal complaint to the Office of Equity and Inclusion in May 2015, and I made a formal detailed Title IX complaint to the U.S. Department of Education in September 2016. I was ultimately told that even though much of the harassment was sexual in nature, it was not a gender-based problem, therefore, it was out of the jurisdiction of Title IX. This college frequently receives large corporate and federal grants. Early 2017 the school received a large federal grant for educating mothers seeking technical training in order to re-enter the workforce, which is what I was doing. --- POLICE REPORTS I attempted to file a report regarding surveillance to police on January 20, 2014. I was met by two police officers, Officer XxXXXX and a female officer who mostly stood outside the whole time, talking on a cell phone. Officer XxXXXX really wouldn't listen to me, asked me to speak with a doctor just as a routine thing, said it would take about 5-10 minutes, and said he would take the report after. What he did was take me to an emergency room, and leave me there. They tried to have me involuntarily committed but I begged them to let me go because my daughter was at home waiting for me to cook dinner. The doctor gave me a prescription for about 6 Ativan and let me go. I called back at least twice to follow up on the police report. The first time was probably Jan 21, 2014. I spoke with Officer XxXXXX and I only remember telling him that he hadn't behaved ethically. The second time I called I was told the case had been given to another officer. The third time I was told that no report had been filed. At that point I knew the police would not help me, even though I had evidence of surveillance, and even though there had been an underage child in the home. July 11, 2014 I was having a loud argument with my partner about this same topic. Police came, said neighbors had called. They separated us. One officer spoke with me in the front yard. Another officer spoke with my partner in the house. My partner later told me that the officer who spoke with him offered to to take me into custody, saying that they "knew" about me, that I had some kind of history of making trouble. I know during early months of 2014 mother made several calls to mental health services and probably also the police about me, and in at least one case, she lied right in front of me, saying that I had gotten violent with her, when that wasn't the case. At the time she had been trying to physically force me to take Risperidol, a medication prescribed by the behavioral health facility in California. I stopped taking that medication (an anti-psychotic) as soon as I got out of the facility. She had also tried to force me to take high doses of Ativan after it was prescribed by the ER doctor. So there are probably police records on me, and I've been working on obtaining them, but they they are expensive and take a long time. FBI By January 2016 I was becoming really fed up with being tracked via my android phone. I also had a digital watch called a Casio Illuminator which was regularly being manipulated from the outside. Most commonly it would be switched from 12 hour to 24 hour format - this happened pretty much every time I rode on a crowded bus or train, so I figured people were doing this from a phone application of some sort. Sometimes the alarm would be set or changed remotely as well. I called the local FBI office who told me that I should come in if I wanted to make a report. I went into the FBI office and was met by an officer who introduced himself as "Bob" and refused to give me any more information. He claimed that the FBI and all police departments could not and would not surveil me via my phone or in any other way in U.S. territory without a warrant, and he also claimed that there was no way anyone was remotely accessing the settings of my Casio Illuminator watch. I asked if he was an expert on these things and he seemed surprised by that question. I said I was really sick of being tracked with my phone (I didn't realize at that time that I probably was also being tracked via a dental implant) and the battery doesn't come out. I mentioned to the agent that I had been psychologically misdiagnosed with anxiety and then he latched onto that and basically said that I was paranoid and my assertions of surveillance were probably the result of my "anxiety." Then he said "I think we're done here." When he left I asked the two guards who were there if they knew anything about this agent named "Bob." They said they had never seen him before. I then called the FBI office in Washington D.C. and asked if it was normal for FBI officers not to give out last names or any identifying information. The woman who had answered the phone said that it all depends on local policies. I said "but you're a federal department." She told me I had to speak with my local office. She sounded exasperated. --- Please describe any incidents with law enforcement or first responders such as Firemen or EMTs I have covered most of that in the narrative above. One additional incident was in February 2014 when my mother, I believe on the orders of a Dr. XXXX, was trying to force me to keep taking Risperidol, and I was refusing. She called police and/or emergency mental health services to claim that I was getting physical with her. This was not the case. Two mental health workers and two police officers showed up, sat in the living room, and did a short intervention. They told my mother that I had the right not to take that medication. I noticed that the police officers were very quiet and often responded with gestures (like a shrug, palms up, when I said that I eventually realized the police would not help me) instead of words. I also noticed this during therapy sessions at behavioral health - I asked a counselor if she believed my story about the surveillance and she silently nodded her head "yes." --- Have you been discrimated against? Yes If you have been discriminated against please describe how I am quite certain that I, and my boyfriend/partner of 8 years, have been blacklisted. We are musicians, but he has been nothing but a musician his whole life. It became really clear that he's been not just blacklisted, but imitated. I believe that I have been discriminated against through most of my professional life, but especially since I've been together with my partner. I believe that the discrimination I experienced has to do with me missing out on certain symbolic knowledge that I would have needed to know to succeed as an artist/musician/writer and in any kind of design field, including web site design. I believe the discrimination my partner has experienced has to do with the surveillance and imitation of him, his family, his life. In this sense, I know our case is unique from that of other TI's. This is something I can prove, but have refrained from discussing in recent months, because it upsets people who want to keep the symbolism secret. I was discriminated against at my community college, but usually in vague and subtle ways that are hard to prove. During 2014 and 2015 I had my homework and classwork sabotaged frequently through the computer networks. I believe my daughter has been subtly discriminated against as well. She is a top scholar, female minority in a STEM field. --- Please add any additional information you feel is important You asked about voluntary implants, but not about involuntary implants. I think this distinction is really important, because I think most of us have INVOLUNTARY implants. I have no EMF measuring device at this time, but believe I have two implants: one in a dental crown, and another in my gut. I felt the one in my gut first in early April 2017. It seems like something that is activated in relation to EMF activity. I felt it on and off over a few weeks, like something that would be tugged to get my attention, and/or to create pain, but not as much lately. I hope that it is not permanently implanted in my body but I don't have any reason to believe it's going to disappear. I have another tooth that may need a crown but I don't want more chips and I have been avoiding both the dentist and doctors. I am angry that I can't get ethical medical care. (Another TI in the UK says that she has brain implants that are actually causing her teeth to break down from "vibrations.") I have written a lot about DEW attacks and I've taken photos of injuries. I have noticed what seems to be coordination of my symptoms with pharmaceutical commercials on television. For example, during the attack that hurt my legs and gave me stomachaches, commercials would come on talking about "flu like symptoms." After pain attacks in my back, I'd see commercials for stuff like Lyrica. Early on (2014-2015), there were lots of attempts at involuntary hypnosis and cognitive disruption via flashing and movement on television, youtube, some very elaborate. In the ER Jan 27, 2014, after I was involuntarily admitted, they tried to give me an MRI, which I refused. I can be hit anywhere in town with EMFs or microwaves, even if I have no phone or device with me. The star-like drone that is above my home followed me around town one day. Every time I turned around, it would stop moving, but if I turned really quickly, I could "catch" it travelling. It also turned off and on and I was also being hit with gentle EMFs. I believe that this was all deliberate to get me to see that this object was there. Then a few days later I was hit with all kinds of painful attacks that I couldn't escape from. My next door neighbor and and my daughter's uncle were both murdered within a day of each other. This happened about March 20, after I had been working for a few days on an affidavit about DEW attacks and I was being attacked harder and harder. I don't know about my neighbor but my daughter's uncle was killed in a "random hate crime." At the same train station where three men were stabbed here in Portland, about a month before the stabbings, I ran into a strange woman. Her eyes were reddened in the way that energy weapons redden my eyes, and she kept trying to get me not to get on the train. --- If you would like to submit documentation (written, photographic or other) please send to: via email: via mail: P.O. Box 67, Monterey, Ma 01245 Please add your survey number to each page and photo. Please add event time and location to each photo. 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